Last report of 3.
Mohican - 3rd attempt
2013 had been an odd year weather-wise and I have no complaints about this summer. Even with a cooler than normal August last year, there have been 30+ fewer days this year where the temps have reached 90 here in Louisville. It's been (so far) the coolest summer in recent memory.
So, back in June, I had several major factors in my favor entering Mohican: normal temps (rare) on race day, a gut somewhat under control, injury free, mentally re-focused (from Massanutten) and some rare training days in June when it's usually too hot to even think about it. I felt really good about my chances.
However, stupid me couldn't sit still taper week & decided to do some Spring cleaning & moved some heavy boxes around. I didn't even realize what I was doing till my back went out -- just what I didn't need before a race where I DNF'd twice because of severe back pain! Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! So that's my race & report in a nutshell -- DNF with back problems -- again.
A couple notes about the recorded time above:
At the 50 mile mark, I was feeling good with a time of 12:43 and had over 19 hours to finish the 2nd half. But my back started shutting me down around the 100k mark & by the time I got to the aid station at mile 73, even baby steps were painful & I called it quits. Since they were the last aid station before the end of the loop, I believe the aid station captain was reluctant to take anyone back (this was about 1:30 a.m.) -- so I had to join the other disabled runner who was lying on the ground on a blanket.
About an hour later, another runner in really bad shape came into the aid station. Since I tried & was able to stand without pain, I told them I would give that runner my blanket spot & try to walk it in (it turned out to be a slow & painful trek w/many breaks & wished I hadn't tried it!). I had shut off my timer when I stopped at the aid station & for some reason (hoping for a miracle?) restarted it when I left, so that's why there's a discrepancy in the times.
Next up:
I've postponed all my construction projects around the house this summer due to my back & have been getting alot of back rest. I used to call my running nemesis the "fickle" back -- I never knew when it was going to flare up. I've dealt with it most of my running years and now, after a short absence, it has returned. Since I no longer perform heavy lifting on a regular basis (using wood as a primary source of heat), I feel (& hope) this is just temporary. Maybe I'll find out when I try Woodstock next month . . .
Good luck at Woodstock!
Thanks Chris -- CONGRATS again on chalking up another fast run at Howl!
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