Friday, February 13, 2009

sour with no power

No electric once again since Wednesday's wind storm, so I'm posting this from another computer. Having no power can have a very depressing effect:

Sour/Whine Time:

I feel worn out from everything that's happened these last 2 eventful weeks. I've not done any running on the trails for quite a while now & my annual tempo run on the LLTH course before the race didn't happen this year.

Good/Fun Time:

I AM very happy that LLTH 50k will go on as planned -- that's been my top priority as I love this race. It's been very satisfying & rewarding working along side such dedicated workers & volunteers. Much of the work required teamwork & it was FUN, even though it was exhausting! Looking back even now, I would not trade that time for training time. So I'm not sure how I will fare tomorrow, being so unprepared compared to years previous.

But first things first -- another cold night in the dark?

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